Basic Instinct film locations- San Francisco

Prior to our trip to San Francisco, I spent some time looking for some information about the best film locations in the city. To my amazement, there were literally thousands of them that it took me long to finally decide the ones I liked most.

Filmmakers have been attracted to San Francisco through the decades. Alfred Hitchcock for instance, had an especial fascination with the land of fog and used it as the backdrop for several films including Vertigo and Footsteps in the Fog. The master of suspense, as well as many other directors like Don Siegel (Dirty Harry) or Michael Bay (The Rock), were amazed by the elegance and mystery of San Francisco.


I was particularly interested in classic films such as Vertigo, Dirty Harry, The Birds and The Escape of Alcatraz but when I knew Basic Instinct was shot in San Francisco, I just had to add it on my list.

I´m sure you all remember the scene when detective Nick is driving home to his apartment and finds Catherine waiting for him (Sharon Stone was sitting on the front stoop, right where I am in the picture).

They walk inside and once in his apartment, he offers her a Jack Daniel.

He takes the ice out, opens a drawer and gets an icepick. Then, she smiles at him and says: “Let me do that.  You like to watch me doing it, don´t you?”.


Nick´s apartment is located at 1158 Montgomery Street. I highly recommend visiting this place in San Francisco, the views of the bay and Transamerica tower are gorgeous, especially at night when you can enjoy the city aglow in all its esplendor. So grab your camera and a trypod, and start shooting!!


More Basic Instinct film locations

Catherine Trammel’s luxurious mansion: located at 2930 Vallejo Street off Baker Street.

Catherine Trammel´s beach house: on 157 Spindrift Road in Carmel Highlands.

Tosca Cafe: 242 Columbus Ave.

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Inspired by James Cook voyages, Rakel decided to travel the world and live a life of adventure. Rakel

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