Balinese Tradicional Dance

Dance and music play a significant role in Balinese culture. Don´t miss the opportunity to see a traditional dance performance in your trip to Bali. You will be amazed by the dynamic and impressive body gestures of the dancers.

Balinese dances can be divided into 2 groups:

-Wali Sacred Dances: These sacred dances must be performed in religious ceremonies at the jeroan, the inner court of a temple in Bali.

-Bebali Dances: usually performed in social events at the java, the outer court of the Balinese temple.

There are many different styles of Balinese dances. Barong, Legong, Kecak and Baris are probably the most popular ones. During our stay in Ubud, we attended a Legong-style performance at Ubud Royal Palace.

Legong is a popular dance  performed by women who relate the story with captivating movements, slow-moving footwork and facial expressions. Legong dance is performed every night at different venues accross the island.

Learn Balinese Dance

Go beyond a typical vacation and learn the basics of Balinese dance!

There are plenty of dancing lessons available on the island. Many hotels offer courses in traditional Balinese dancing where you´ll be able to learn some of the basic movements and postures. There are also numerous town schools where you can practice under the guidance of a professional instructor.

If you are really interested in Balinese dance, The Yayasan Polos Seni (Foundation for Pure Art) in Peliatan (near Ubud), is the perfect place. This foundation offers tuition in all styles and genres of dance at a very affordable Price.

Best places to see Balinese Traditional Dances

Ubud Royal Palace (Puri Saren Agung): Located on the corner of Jalan Raya Ubud and Jalan Suweta, the Ubud Royal Palace is one of the main places to see a dramatic evening dance performance. Shows start at 7.30pm, Rp 80.000 per person.

Most hotels offer delightful Balinese Traditional dances nightly. So, if you are staying in a big resort you will probably have the opportunity to have a wonderful dinner accompanied by a Balinese performance. Oberoi hotel located on Seminyak beach, offers a buffet dinner in a fabulous amphitheatre themed bistro with Balinese dance for entertainment.

Head to Uluwatu Temple to enjoy a dramatic Kecak dance performance with mesmerizing views views of sunset and Indian Ocean. What makes it such a fascinating dance is that it has no musical accompaniment, instead you have the chanting of a male chorus intoning a “keh-chack” sound during most of the performance. Kecak performance starts at 18.00, Rp70.000 per person.

Visit Ultimate Bali for updates on events and performances.

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Inspired by James Cook voyages, Rakel decided to travel the world and live a life of adventure. Rakel

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